28th December 2023
- It was windy and the crate I put out for the milkman to put the milk in had blown away from the gate.
- The milkman left the milk in some packaging to avoid the bottles rolling around the drive.
- Someone went past the gate and then came back and took the lot.
- It is only milk, but the thefts mount up.
8th December 2023
Found that my back building had been broken into and the loft insulation taken.
24th October 2023
Another 4 bottles of milk stolen but camera obscured.
7th September 2023 – You have to watch this!
These clowns were not organised! The first one walks past a few times before climbing the fence just to pinch a few bottles of milk from a pensioner.
31st August 2023
The milk has been delivered and the crate of milk has been pushed away from the gate to stop in being pinched.

They cross the road to take some metal from a nearby yard.

They cross back over the road and hand the metal to someone else.

The second person comes along and drops the metal at the gate.

The person walks away and then returns to the gate. The metal is used to drag the crate and pinch 4 bottles of milk.